Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Francis- CP 1

Tuesday was very exciting because I was assigned two Conversation Partners from CIES. When tea time started, however, neither of my partners were there so I tagged along with Jordan and Suzanne. We talked to a few students who were also without their partners. It turned out that both Suzanne's and I's partners were friends with the students. One of them provided me with the phone number of Dhari, one of my CVs. He is from Kuwait. All the students we talked to spoke Arabic. A few where from Saudi Arabia. They all spoke very well so we were able to keep the conversation flowing pretty well. We introduced ourselves talked about our majors and the careers that interested us.

I actually did get to meet one of my two conversation partners though. I think we missed each other by a few seconds in the lounge. Thankfully, Ryan, the CV coordinator, found me after I left with the previously mentioned group for one of the classrooms. Her name is Jee-Eun. She is a dance grad student from Korea. She was very gracious and talkative. She seemed very interested in practicing her English although she was already very fluent. I would say her speaking level is a 5 or 6. We talked about our degrees and our reasons for coming to FSU. I learned that she came to FSU because her husband began his PhD in Sports Psychology here. They have a 4 year old son who will probably be tagging along with us in our meetings. I'm pretty excited about that actually. Before Jee-Eun had to leave we exchanged phone numbers and agreed to do something this weekend. I think the first meeting with Jee-Eun will be a trip to the mall.

Later that night, after coming back from class, I got a friend request from Dhari. His profile name is Dary though, so I guess I'll have to clarify that. He messaged me so I'm hoping I can also meet with him this weekend.

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