Monday, October 3, 2011


HOORAY! This is my final blog entry for my TEFL certification! Although I do have full intentions to continue meeting up with my conversation partner, Abdullah and also continue assisting Hassan in his process of applying to grad schools. On Thursday I helped him fill out and edit the applications for USF and FSU's business master programs. He also gave me a revised version of his Statement of Purpose which is coming along nicely. I am so proud of him and all of his forward effort he has shown the entire time I have worked with him. With his revised version, we read through it out loud and then I would edit minor mistakes. He had very few mistakes and I just gave him alternative phrasing or vocabulary that would help the statement appear more professional. He seemed extremely grateful for all of the help I have been offering with his application. I am very lucky to have been paired with Hassan as a tutoring partner. He was very easy to work with and was always willing to work harder in his studies. I am thankful to be a participant in this wonderful program! Thank you CIES and Ramin!! :]

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