Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I met with Abdullah at a later point last week again by the fountains after my classes. He invited me to Ramin's performance at Milano Pizzeria that Friday, but I was not able to go due to rehearsal for Jesus Christ Superstar. He then asked me to explain the entire synopsis of the show to him in detail and explain various concepts that he did not know the English words to (Such as: spotlight, costume fitting, curtain, music director, script, etc). I wrote down the words and translations for him so that he could refer back to them if he ever needed them. I also shared a story with him about my fiasco at the Oklahoma game regarding my ticket. I told the story at a quick pace because I was very flustered as I was telling the story, then I realized I had completely lost him within the first 3 minutes of the story. He was embarrassed to say anything but then I went back and re-told the story at a much slower pace and with a lot of expression in my body, hoping to help communicate the story to him. He then completely understood every word and once he saw that we were both on equal levels of communication he did not hesitate to stop me in the middle of a story and ask for a definition of an unfamiliar word. I plan on continuing my conversation meetings with Abdullah despite the fact that this is my last blog post concerning him. I am so surprised with the improvement displayed by him since our first meeting four months ago. It really is rewarding to know that you have made an impact and assisted in someone's language development. I am so grateful that I have done this TEFL course!

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