Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Carolina CP9

Jordan and I decided to take Eunsung to Korean BBQ and they were finally open! The restaurant, to those who haven’t been before, is so tiny it has about three tables and you go up and order off of a menu of about 5 items. However, it is soooooo good. I got the classic Korean BBQ with beef and it was one of the most delicious meals I’ve had in a long time. Eunsung said that this place was really authentic and this is how the food was actually made and served in Korea. Jordan got a dish with egg in the middle of it surrounded by lots and lots of veggies. Eunsung got Korean BBQ with pork. It was so much fun to finally be showed something from Eunsung’s culture instead of introducing her to American traditions. I love how we can constantly share new things with one another.

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