Monday, September 5, 2011


On Friday night I met up with Hassan at Mr. Robotos, which was one of his first sushi experiences. I explained the entire menu and science of sushi. He ordered an extremely plain roll but he tried a lot of mine and enjoyed it! He was confused by the large masses of people that would gravitate to this sort of food but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He then explained to me how he is starting to apply for grad schools and asked me for help with his application process. First he must either get a 100% on the TOEFL or a 7.5 on another standardized test (I forgot the name of it). Also with that, I am helping him write his Statement of Purpose for grad schools. Hassan also shared with me that I need to help him pass his driver's license test since his temporary license is overdue :[ For the rest of dinner I then asked him random questions about the rules of driving and safety reminders that will most likely be on the drivers' license test. By the end of our dinner he had many facts about the rules of the road mastered. We plan to meet again in the upcoming week for another tutoring lesson. When I had met him this past meeting, he did not have any homework for us to work on, but for the next meeting he said he will bring some practice books and school work.

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