Monday, September 19, 2011


I met with Abdullah at Westcott fountain because the weather was beautiful. I had not seen him for about a week due to my busy schedule so we had many things to catch up on. I told him all about the musicals I had been cast in and also all about my new job. He seemed very interested and asked many questions along the way. I felt very good about this particular meeting with Abdullah because we had not shared such great moments together in a very long time. The conversation went at a quicker pace than the week before and he was much more willing to speak. Even though he would hesitate on words he didn't know, I would help him push through it. I also shared my experience with trying to learn Italian and my difficulty with learning a new language. He felt much better after I said this and continued to push through the conversation, despite some grammatical mistakes. Also, he informed me that him and some of the Arabic students are looking into buying a house for all of them to live in. I wrote down a list of streets to start looking into and also told him the easiest way to go to a football game. He appeared very excited about the Florida State game and I am sure it was a spectacle he had never seen before! I am satisfied with this meetings progress and am looking forward to the next encounter we have with each other.

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