Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Carolina CP10

After the international dinner, Soe Soe, Eunsung, Are, Jordan and I all decided to go hang out at Aladdin’s Shisha Café. We went and sat down for a while and drank tea and had hookah. It was such an amazing time filled with good friends and even better conversation. We had to opportunity to talk to Soe Soe more about her culture and how she was just waiting to hear about the next step in school she was about to take. She is so unbelievably knowledgeable and so young it’s amazing. After Aladdin’s we went to Steak and Shake and we got Soe Soe, Eunsung, and Are their first milkshakes! I was so excited for them. They all got hamburgers and fries too and were so excited! It was really late (or early in the morning…) at this time and they wondered why there were so many people in the restaurant. I explained the phenomenon of how drunk people will often go to a fast-food place late at night after the finish partying. This was so funny to all three of them. We finished our milkshakes and continued talking about all the differences in our cultures and if they liked America. While they were all three homesick, they all seemed to truly be enjoying their time here.

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