Monday, August 8, 2011

Brian CP4

At the CIES party I ran into my partners; including the one that dumped me (lols). It seemed Mr. H, Mr. Wal, and my ex Mr. J are wallflowers just like me. Somebody has to look out for the walls, no? So I said w'sup to Mr. Wal who was enjoying the boogieing on the dance floor, and then turned my attention to Mr. H who sat at a table with a few others. Hearing each other wasn't as challenging as it was when I spoke with a fellow tefler who sat closer to the speakers, thankfully. I arrived at 10:30, so I asked Mr. H how the festivities went before my arrival, all of his reviews were positive. We also discussed watching Captain A. A funny thing that happened was Mr. H and Mr. J were forced onto the dance floor by their classmates to their surprise. Dance, they did not.

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