Saturday, August 6, 2011

DeRobbio co2

Grammar LI-AI
The entire class was all men which I noted when the Teacher welcomed the "Boys club" which the students seemed to enjoy. He knew each student by name and throughout the class had personal jokes to keep each one engaged in the lesson. The lesson he introduced was on Articles which he followed a text book lesson. He had the students flip to a chart which was laid out well, and he provided and example as he went over each article. He provided the students with a rationale for learning this, he says it will help them make sense of their language use, and it is used in proper english. He also provides encouragement by telling the students it is an error they make often, along with many second language speakers. The students were very eager to learn and were constantly raising their hand to ask questions, and taking notes in their books. The students laughed at the teachers jokes and when he sensed they were beginning to get bored he would move to the next activity or call on the student for answers. I realized the importance of a student teacher relationship, and how it encourages the students to learn when they can have fun and want to pay attention instead of feeling like they are listening to a drill sergeant. Overall the teacher has a positive outlook on his subject and a strong desire to make sure his students learn, this is contagious to the students and creates a comfortable atmosphere while remaining sensitive to the students needs.

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