Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jeff Dinert TP9

This week I met with Abdhulrahman for coffee at his house in the afternoon, to go over some vocabulary, mostly nouns and adjectives, and a few proper tenses of verbs. The idea for this llesson was simple, as I looked at some of his picture dictionaries for English, for English business words and phrases, and from the little packet I received from the library in the event they call me to tutor that I would doing a speaking/conversation lesson where I would show abdhul pictures from magazines (Rolling Stone, from Elle because it was laying around) and go through the pictures and ask Abdhul questions about the pictures, and also to get him to describe what he sees. As we went over the pictures, I took down short questions about what we were looking at and marked the pages so I could give him a short quiz at the end, and a vocabulary list to study. We looked at baseball players, and tour de France riders and pictures of prospects for college football, but we also looked at models and perfume ads and book reviews. The funniest thing he said was a Dolce and Gabana ad had a boy and a girl with dark circles under their eyes and he said theey look cool, but dirty, is this i mean dirty, or corrupted? I thought that was funny as hell. I also thought he enjoyed looking at pictures of English magazines and using words he knew and learning words he did not previously know which i left the list with him but can remember baseball bat, pitcher, lean, leather, skinny like your girlfriend, motor cycle boots, and permed. Anyway, the actual talking and looking at picture took about 45 minutes, then I let the conversation go in any direction he liked, but to Abdhulrahman credit he tried to use new words and asked what was that word again, and I pointed to it and he immediately would look it up on his translator. All in all simpler with him will be better, and have instead of has, and is versus was, all the right direction for tutoring him while CIES is out over break. We plan to meet several times a week for a couple of hours to keep him practicing and improving.

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