Saturday, August 27, 2011

Francis- TP 11

8/20/11 TP 11

Clarita just left from our session at the library. We looked through some of the books that might help her. I showed her how she can use the catalogue, where the reference books are and the location of some chapter books that might interest her like Julie of the Wolves. I also showed here where the DVD collection at the library is and suggested she go for children’s live action film that have the option of putting the subtitles in English. I explained the drawbacks of this practice as well as the benefits so she said she was going to try, she checked out a VHS of a movie called The Great Panda Adventure. After this quick introduction to the library I took her to the magazine section of the library where I had found an old copy of Better Homes and Gardens. I figured that she would be interested in learning vocab that might be applicable to her current job. We leafed through the pictures and we quizzed each other on the names of different types of rooms, furniture pieces, and typical house objects. I asked Clarita to write down 5 new vocabulary words that interested her. I then asked her to tell me a story in 10-20 sentences that included all 5. I encouraged her to make the story work for her; that it didn’t have to be realistic or believable. She thought it to be a little silly at first but she was willing to try since all she had to focus on was coming up with the words because I was going to write what she told me (I asked how you spelled a few words now and then). I tried to only write what she said, without correction, but sometimes I caught myself correcting small grammatical errors she had. I quickly either changed back or underlined so we would go over the mistake later. I didn’t want to correct her then to not mess up the flow. I encouraged her to use new vocabulary, if she didn’t know it we would work together to figure it out. After the lesson I asked Clarita how she felt. She said it nice but I think she hesitated to tell me more. I feel I came up with something that would have worked better on a younger tutee.

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