Saturday, August 27, 2011

Francis- CP 9

08/ 15/11 CP 9

Today, I met with both my CP and TP my mom found for me here in Tampa. I came home aweek after classes ended to see my family once my mom said she found a few friends who were willing to become my partners for the last few hours I have left to do. They are sisters from Guayaquil, Ecuador. We met them through their sister who was our neighbor. The older one is called Clarita and the youngest one is called Mary (pronounces Mah-ree).We just had lunch over at my mom’s house. Mary made a huge platter of 3 Leches Cake which lasted till the last day of my visit home. Mary has 2 little boys, a toddler and a 10 month old. Clarita does house cleaning like my mom. I was glad to meet them because they are the closest thing my mom has had to friends up here in the US in a long time. They are really nice. We agreed that Mary would be my CP since she already goes to adult English classes and Clarita would be my TP. The conversation was sprinkled with a little of Spanish due to the different levels of English the sisters had but overall I think we did very well.

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