Saturday, August 27, 2011

Francis- TP 10

08/ 18/11 TP 10

For Clarita and I’s second session I found a news article that I hoped might interest her. What I want to accomplish in the few sessions we have together is provide Clarita with a few tools that will allow her to improve her English a bit more efficiently since she is not in ESL classes. I ended up using an article for Times for Kids titled “A Tough Turtle.” Before we started the reading I asked Clarita what she knew about Skimming and Scanning. Since she didn’t really know a definition I looked them up on a children’s dictionary. I asked he guess what they are in a reading scenario. After she guessed pretty close I explained in more detail. Before reading the whole article together I asked her to skim the article in 30 seconds so she could guess what the article might be about. The reading went well. She read at a slow pace but she seemed to get about 80% of what we read. There were a few vocabulary words that were new to her so I helped her guess what those were by using context clues and her knowledge. Overall, I think the session went well. I went through more websites she might find helpful like an online dictionary and this website, , which has all kinds of links that are helpful for ESL students. I asked her to look through a couple of sites, her choice, before our next meeting.

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