Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jordan — TP12

The last time I met Silvana before I had to leave was Wednesday the 17th. She needed to get to the Center for Global Engagement to check in. I decided that instead of simply driving her there, we could make a lesson out of this, too. So, I had her find the Center on the FSU campus map she had received, then find where we were, out at Alumni Village. I had her navigate us all the way to the center using commands in English only (left, right straight ahead). We ended up taking a sort of indirect route, which was great because it gave me the opportunity to teach her new phrases like 'U-turn', 'turn around', 'miss a turn', etc. When we couldn't find parking anywhere, I taught her another term: 'parking ticket'! Ultimately, she lead us to a place to park and we made it to the Center. It was a fun lesson, but very effective!

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