Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jordan - CP5

After tutoring Metab, I took him and his friend Adel to Aladdin's to meet a mixed group of CIES and TEFL students. Most of our class was there, so you have already read about this part of the evening several times.
However, after that, I had an adventure with Metab and Adel that lasted until 3 in the morning. Metab was moving into a new apartment, and wanted to be dropped off at Wal-Mart. I offered to help him get what he needed and help him set up. Carolina had ridden with me, so we all set off together. After two trips to Wal-Mart and some time setting it all up, Metab had a stylishly decorated, new apartment. For an expanded account (with pictures!), see Carolina's post.

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