Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nic CP10

This past Sunday I went to St. George Island with some of the international students. I drove down with Jordan, Katie, and Matib. On the way down we listened to Korean pop, alternate country, and Arabic soul music. Once there, we met up with Eunsong, Areum, Carolina, Hamad, and Alex. It was really neat experiencing the beach I’ve grown up with through the eyes of someone new to it.

As we were swimming, we came across different sea-life. We saw some jellyfish and explained that they’re not poisonous, but you have to be careful so they don’t sting you. Jordan caught shrimp in seaweed and showed it to them.

We built an awesome sandcastle—all of us working on it together. I am a sandcastle fanatic, so I was pleased when Eunsong showed me how to shape sandballs.

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