Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nic CP6

For teatime, both of my CP’s had dates: Dongsoek with his girlfriend, Jongouk with the gym. Single and oh-so-lonely, I ventured out to find another lone sole to share my coffee with.

I struck up a conversation with Alice. She is from China, and she is looking to get her Masters in Integrated Marketing Communication. Since this degree is offered by my college, I told her that I knew a few people who may be able to help her out. I fronded her on Facebook and about that time her CP, Kyla, showed up to have tea with her.

Not wanting to be the awkward third to their duo, I went off searching again for someone to chat with.

My search led me to Hussan and a few other TEFL-ers. For the rest of Tea Time, we talked about movies, weekend plans, and what we liked to do for fun.

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