Monday, August 1, 2011

Erin - CP 9

Last night, I went to my first quincenera ever; it was for my boss's neice. When I was there, I sat with Alex, who is my boss's cousin. He goes to university in Mexico and doesn't quite speak English fluently; however, he has been trying to practice and specifically asked me to correct him whenever he misspeaks. He answered all of the questions I had about quinceneras, such as why there are sincronized dances and why the party is such a big deal; apparently, 15 years marks womanhood, and after that, birthdays are not celebrated much at all, and the next big party in a woman's life is her wedding. We also decided to practice our geography and make a map of the world on the table out of our plates, silverware, etc. He told me about his family that was sitting at our table, we observed the events of the night, and he even taught me how to dance to traditional Mexican music, and I taught him how to dance salsa. It was definitely a very fun way to help someone practice English.

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