Monday, August 1, 2011

Jeff Dinert Cp6

On Thursday July 14th I met Sukjoon Hwang from South Korea fr the first time. We had a miscommunication with our emails, and he finally got ahold of me and was very apologetic, kind, and almost sweet, and very eager to get together. This meeting we went to Starbucks at the Strozier library and sat down to introduce ourselves. I found out about his interests, baseball mostly, his wife of three years, and his two year old daughter, all of whom will be reunited on August 12th when they move here while Sukjoon gets his doctorate in public administration. Sukjoon was very shy, very thoughtful, and although he understood what I had said very well, his verbal communication seemed strained and he was very frustrated with his lack of ability to communicate. He said it was like there was a block in his forehead when he wanted to speak, and everything got stuck together but little came out. I sat there and tried to be encouraging, and told him that he should definitely come out with me and my lady friend to go see Harry Potter on Saturday, and to eat pizza. He seemed very excited at the prospect and we walked back to Cies, me to go to class, and him to get lift home. He also bought a gift of a yellow scarf for my girlfriend because he wanted to partly be considerate ad partly to apologize for the lack of getting together. He is nice person, and I hope i can be helpful to him.

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