Saturday, August 27, 2011

Carolina TP9

So I have a lot of catching up to do. I've been spending all of my time with my tutees and conversation partners and not blogging. Here we go! I met Are at Starbucks and discussed what she had been going over in class and what areas she still felt she was struggling with. She has been feeling really anxious about talking in front of the class. So I decided to keep working with her on just getting her to feel comfortable with talking. I had already come up with talking points that I knew wouldn't make her feel like she was "working" on English and made it more fun. I got her to talk about her upcoming plans for the weekend and what she was going to do once this CIES session was over. She talked pretty much the whole time with some questions from me but I got her to talk consecutively for 20+ minutes and feel totally comfortable. I was so impressed with her progress--there was no way she would have done this in the beginning.

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