Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jordan - CP6

On Friday the 15th, I picked up Kukit from the CIES lounge for a field trip. He had never been to the capital building, and I thought it was an important thing to see and learn about. We went in the visitors’ entrance and walked over to the giant state seal and all of the Florida-themed trivia ("sunshine state", "orange blossom", etc.). Then we took the elevator up a few floors to the House and Senate lobby. I explained to him how American government works - constitution: executive, legislative and judicial. I explained that this same organization repeats on the state level, then walked him through what Session looks like, from lobbyists and interest groups to voting and passing bills. We looked down on the House and Senate floors from the observation galleries. Finally, we took the elevator all the way to the observation level on the 21st floor, where I showed him what Tallahassee looks like from the sky.

1 comment:

  1. this sounds cheesy but he's definitely lucky to have you as a conversation partner. Sadly, I haven't been inside that building... wish I could've gone.
