Monday, August 8, 2011

Jung - TP8

Jaeyeon and I met up on Thursday night (July 28th) for our tutor session at Stroz library. Last time, we read the first chapter of “The House on Mango Street"; we worked on her pronunciation and make sure she comprehends the story. For today’s lesson, we read the following chapter. This chapter was about hairs, the main character talks about her family’s hair styles. And just like our last tutor session, we worked on her pronunciation and make sure she comprehends the story. This chapter only had two short paragraphs and was structured with simple and short sentences, so there weren’t any problems or any difficulties…just couple words like “broom”, “barrettes”, “rosettes”, and “pincurls”, I explained as much as I could and we also looked up those words on google image so she can understand the words better.

After the reading, I described what kind of type of hair I have. I told her that I have really thick hair, so thick that I could probably sew my clothes with my hair. And they are half curled, I get chemical straight perm from Korean hair salon in Atlanta every six months or when I go visit.

She always has interesting and great responses when she talks which makes our conversation and tutor session more interesting.

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