Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jordan - TP4

I met Metab and Adel at Starbucks on July 18th for tutoring. I wanted to quiz Metab on the vocabulary I'd given him the week before, but he confessed he had not actually studied it. Instead, I modified my plan and moved on to explaining pronouns and verb conjugation. I wrote out the pronouns in English and asked if he knew them all. He understood most of them, but didn't get "we". I gave him the Arabic equivalent and then asked him to show me examples of each pronoun around Starbucks by pointing at people (or groups of people). Then I covered conjugation -- Metab assured me that he didn't know what this was. We practiced matching the pronouns to the proper conjugations of a few regular English verbs, and then, since it had been over an hour, we took a break.

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