Monday, August 1, 2011

Carolina TP5

Meeting with Eunsung has been a constant enjoyable experience for me. I met with her at Fuzions frozen yogurt and brought her a cheat sheet I had made for her that explained common English idioms. I went through the sheet and explained to her how to sound out the words, what they meant, and then a sentence you could use them in. She would nod her head and seem to understand me and then I would challenge her and get her to use it in her own sentence. This, I could tell was the real challenge for her. She hates having to come up with sentences or conversations on the spot for me, but I could tell she was already getting better at it just from the few times I've forced her to go outside of her comfort zone. She properly used all the words in a sentence and even used them outside of our tutoring conversation! She has since been texting me using words like hang out, that's over my head, cut it out and other phrases I've taught her. Everything is so worth it when you see the progress your tutees are making!

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