Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brian CO2

My 2nd class observation was in a Group 4 listening class. I witness what might be considered a teacher's nightmare, that is, the students asking tough questions and not completing the intended lesson plan. The tough questions came once a student said, “I couldn't catch what he said.” This was in reply to a lecture the class listened to previously. Somehow the conversation morphed into how “wouldn't” and “couldn't” is used under a context of ability, or understanding, or desire. The teacher tried his best to answer their questions but this brought about more questions to which he finally said he'll make a note of them, do an investigation, and give them an answer soon.
Students were asked to answer questions with compete sentences. Lastly, the teacher gave the correct answers to a multiple choice quiz, and went over why the incorrect answers were – incorrect. Very thorough, me thinks.

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