Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brian CO3

On my final class observation, I attended Wayne's grammar class except the Director was subbing for Wayne. Not-Wayne is quite the clever one. He used my tardiness to get the students speaking and also to show me that any situation can be used as a point of instruction. Well on the latter point, this may not have been his intent? Not-Wayne asked the students to share how their cultures viewed punctuality. Each one said being on time is important, but half of them said you wouldn't face any consequences of any kind in their countries.
To get down to the brass tax of the lesson, the students had a quiz on prepositions and articles. I took it myself and thought the design of the quiz would be useful to share with my future students.
Some teaching tactics one can take away from this class is to correct the students along the way, and to ask the students to reply with full sentences; especially for Group 2 students like the ones I observed.

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