Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Katie- CP 8

I met with Areum on Tuesday this week and last week, as usual. It is quite clear to me why we should write blogs soon after we meet our language partners, as I once again do not remember what I spoke to Areum about two Tuesdays ago. She did have many questions about colloquial expressions, as usual, though, and I did let her know that if she ever wanted to hang out on the weekends to feel free to call or email me and we could do something.

As it turns out, Nic invited me to the beach with Carolina, Jordan, and some CIES students, and Areum and her friend EunSong happend to be there as well! We all had a lot of fun at the beach. Although Areum and EunSong were worried about getting sunburned and were reluctant to go into the water at first, we had a great time splashing around in the ocean and laughing about misadventures with a blow-up pool chair. Though I left the beach a little earlier than them, it seemed like everyone had tons of fun.

This Tuesday we talked a little bit about the beach and reviewed some of the many notes Areum has on her iPhone. I praised her for reviewing her notes, a very good practice to have, as I usually write things down and just forget about them. I also invited Areum to please keep in contact with me after she goes back to Korea so that she can continue to practice her English so she doesn't forget it as quickly.

We have plans to go to What?Cafe together with some of her friends on Sunday. She wants to try boba tea, and I recommended What?Cafe to her as it is a specialty cafe for boba teas and slushies.

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