Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jung - TP7

I met up with Jaeyeon, my tutee, on Tuesday night after my CP meeting with Adel. Since we didn’t meet up last week, we spent half of our session catching up with each other. I found out she has an uncle who lives in Tallahassee. So she is still under some of the same strict rules like how she did back in Korea when she was living with her parents. Like she can’t go out of town with her friends on the weekend because she has to go visit her uncle’s family every weekend. But anyways, before I left for Tallahassee on Monday night, I went over some of the books that I have read and looked for a book that I thought that she should be able to read and enjoy. I found a book called ‘The house on Mango Street’ by Sandra Cisneros. This book is 5th grade level reading and each chapter has about page two to three pages. So I thought it would be a good extensive reading for her. We only read the first chapter, worked on her pronunciation as much as we could and make sure she comprehends the story. She didn’t have any problem with any of the pronunciation as I thought, but she had problems with understanding the story. So we went back over and re-read the story slowly and try to help her understand it by explaining the situation of the story. I suggested to her to write any sentences down that she doesn’t understand, and then go back over it because this method had helped me to understand similar things in the past. I told her to take a book with her and read at least 2 chapters by our next meeting. Hopefully she will enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

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