Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jung- CP 6

After my usual body tone workout on Wednesday, I went to meet up with Adel at Starbucks on Tennessee Street. Adel was there with Jordan and Jordan’s tutee. I asked Adel how his weekend/school was going and he answered back with 'good' and 'fine'; the usual short answers he always gives me. At this conversation meeting, I asked him random questions that just came to my mind. Like why Muslims don't eat pork and if he is married. With the pork question, he said if you put meat in the carbonated water, soon the bugs will float up; basically he was trying to say how pig is unclean for humans to eat. And he ended it with saying it's just how Muslims are. I wasn’t sure if he was married or not so I decided to ask him that question and found out that he is engaged. His mom had picked a girl for him and they are planning on getting married when he returns back to Saudi Arabia after his studies. Even though there were a bit of cultural differences, I'm glad I've learned little things about Saudi Arabia and can’t wait to learn some more.

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