Thursday, July 28, 2011

Larry - CO3

July 28th: I completed my Class Observation of Reading 3A in room #404 fom 11:00 to 11:50. The teacher had scheduled a quiz on Inference. Some students were late, and she had me introduce myself with a brief history of my travels and mini-adventures. To fill the waiting time, she asked students a few questions related to my stories and had them answer or ask me further questions. She then collected vocabulary logs. Some students grumbled they didn't like keeping the logs, but they did like reading. She handed out new VOA blank logs for homework. She had written the day's Agenda on the board, and when the late students arrived we began the test. She carefully explained what the test was about and reviewed material and concepts on which they would test. There was an article written by Vida Volkert about an FSU graduate by the name of Scott Rogers, who had started a non-partisan online resource "" designed to reverse the trend of young voter apathy by educating them on political and social issues. Questions on the test asked for the "tone" of the article, its main idea, purpose, a definition of the word "apathy", how he planned to defeat apathy, questions on Fact or Inference, and a 2-sentence summary of the article. It was simple and effective. I read some of the student responses and was impressed by the sophistication of their answers. She showed me where she had gotten the article out of Bloom's Taxonomy (Reading Group 3). I made a mental note to download from the FSU Blackboard. The Observation was, for me, very informative.

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