Sunday, July 31, 2011

Katie- CP 10

Today I had planned to take Areum and Eunsung to What?Cafe, a specialty cafe with bubble tea, but unfortunately it was closed so we had to go to Starbucks instead. Starbucks, unfortunately, was full, and it was far too hot to sit outside, so we headed back to Areum's dorm room to drink our coffee and chat. We talked about the International Dinner and how the two are getting tired of going to CIES, but don't want to return to Korea. Eunsung is a fan of Japanese dramas, so we talked a lot about our favorite dramas and Japanese actors and actresses. (It seems whenever I hang out with the Koreans we end up speaking more about Japanese and Korean culture than American!) We talked a little about me going to Japan and how I should go visit them in Korea. Eunsung lived in Busan, and used to teach in Korea. She relayed a funny story to me of how she would always avoid the English speaker at their school because she couldn't speak English at the time. If and when I go to teach English in Korea I'll be sure to ask her any questions I have about schools in Korea! Areum won't be meeting with me on Tuesday afternoon because she has plans, but I look forward to seeing both of them at What?Cafe on Tuesday. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint them, as they were very happy to hear such a place existed!

1 comment:

  1. Great insights about how students' "avoidance" strategies!
