Thursday, July 14, 2011

Francis- CP 6

Last night a bunch of us got together at Aladdin's to meet with out conversation partners. Like I explained before, many of us were fortunate enough to be assigned to students in CIES from Saudi Arabia or Kuwait who were already friends. This has allowed us to become a great and friendly group. Its a large group and sometimes there are many conversations going on at once but I have not once felt left out and I believe we all make sure no one experiences this. Last night was especially exciting and interesting because aside from the many conversations about our respective cultures, we were joined by more of our fellow TEFL classmates. I am not sure how many people we had in total but we did have to move to an even bigger room so all of us could fit.

We were there for about 4 hours. The conversation never lagged and there always something interesting to learn or teach about each other's culture. We also played some games. Hussain, from Saudi Arabia, showed us a game where a group works to hide a small object in one of its group members hands. They do this by putting their hand behind themselves and putting their backs together. It is up to the competing group to guess in which hand the small trinket is in. If the second group didn't guess within the number of chances allotted, the hiding group shuffles the trinket again. We spent a good 30 or 40 minutes playing this. It was very fun.

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