Monday, July 18, 2011

Katie- CP 7

Today Yasuko asked me to take her grocery shopping at a grocery store nearby, so I took her to the Publix on Ocala. She was excited to hear that she could ride the FSU bus to the grocery store and said she wanted to challenge herself to go grocery shopping independently next time. Like our previous shopping experience, Yasuko knew exactly what she wanted and I directed her to where it was. Once again she didn’t seem to have interest in just looking up and down the aisles, something I think I would be very excited to do in any foreign country. When we finished getting everything she needed, she excitedly ordered a Publix sub by herself. She told me that it was a great experience for her and gushed over all of the options we have in America. In Japan, she told me, you can only order what is on the menu. On the way home she pointed out that in Japan you also can’t make right turns on red, something I will keep in mind for when I move there next month! Yasuko was very grateful that I had taken her grocery shopping. And even though Jaime didn’t join us this time, we spoke entirely in English! I wonder what we might do next week.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe you're going to Japan!! I'm so excited for you LS and don't forget to keep me updated!
