Monday, July 18, 2011

Jung - TP 5

Erin and I had our culture class on Friday afternoon on job interview. Since it was raining on Friday afternoon, not many students showed up…only four Arabic speaking men and they all participated very well. They all had many experiences with job interviews before so they had no problem with sharing their experience or answering our questions like ‘what type of questions would people be asked at the interview’; as they comment Erin wrote them on the board. Since they were all familiar with the type questions would be asked at the interview, we figured it wasn’t necessary to give them any of examples we were going to share with. So we skipped to the part where students come up with three or four questions of their own, most of them did okay except for one student, since he had less experience in this field but his friends helped him to come up with something. After that, we broke into two pairs and let them sit in two different tables facing each other so they could interview each other with the questions they came up with. We asked them to take notes while interviewing each other and check the rubrics boxes. When the interview was over, we let each student critique their partners, which they all gave great responses. After the discussion was over, Erin and I covered few necessary tips for a job interview, like how to greet, how to dress, and follow-up. Since interview process is bit different from their home countries, this part of the discussion helped them become more familiar and confident for a job interview. We wrapped our class by mentioning some other resources that could help them with their job interviews, such as handouts from the Career Center and their website. We also mentioned how Career Center helps out with student’s resumes, cover letters, and preparing for interviews for free. Most of students seem very interested and excited about it then left our class. It was good that they actually learned something from our class and the experience I got from this class definitely gave me a heads up of what I could be possibly face in the future.

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