Friday, July 22, 2011

Francis- CP 07

I went to the Korean restaurant on Tennessee St. with Jee Eun. Jamie, Ann, and Ann's boyfriend as well as Jee's son joined up. Korean cuisine was new to me but i decided to dive in. I got a dish with Eel. i also tried Kimchi for the first time. I had been very curious about for a while because my boyfriend loves it. I was hesitant to try it because it was cabbage but it was very good. Among all the eating and conversation between the whole group I did not get a chance to talk to Jee for that long. I probably ended up having more of a direct conversation with Jee's son, Eric. He's always been very quiet when we meet but I think I made some headway with him Saturday. He sat next to me and every once in a while i caught him staring at me. I made funny faces and stuff. When we were finished, Jee gave Eric one of those electronic book toys for kids. He shared a few stories with me and Jee joined us for a few minutes. Jee actually learned a few words from the book so it went well. ha ha

Jamie helped Jee and Ann with their debate for their speaking class. I forget who was supposed to argue for what side but the debate was Vegetarianism vs. Eating Meat. When they showed us their points, we saw that they had been using very complicated words and sentences. Jamie helped them modify these so they would be able to say their points efficiently.

A couple of hours after dinner Jee texted me. She asked me if we could meet the next weekend so we can work on her pronunciation. That is what we are doing tomorrow afternoon and, if she agrees, I hope to have her as a tutoring partner instead.

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