Friday, July 15, 2011

Carolina TP2

Areum Kim is from South Korea and is 21 years old. She is studying in CIES just to learn English so that she can move back to Korea and continue her studies there in English. I mostly just talked with Are our first session and wanted to know what else she liked to do other than class. She is fairly shy, like Eun Sung, but said she really likes shopping. I'm excited to show her around Tallahassee and help her with English skills so that she can get around and communicate more effectively with native English speakers. Are is so cute and seems very determined to learn English. She asked a bunch of questions our first session and made sure to stop me whenever she didn't understand what I was saying. She was taking a bunch of notes about common phrases and said she mostly wants to work on just talking and conversing in English.

1 comment:

  1. "She said she mostly wants to work on just talking and conversing in English." Good, but you can structure lessons around new vocabulary, speaking skills and providing feedback and quizzes based on her errors.
