Monday, July 18, 2011

Katie- TP 5

I met with Jia once again at Strozier on Monday and had what felt like a much more productive tutoring session with her than the previous one. This time Jia remembered her book, so after some light chatting we began to read. Jia read out loud and I corrected her pronunciation, only this time I stopped her after each paragraph and made sure that she understood everything she had read. She had many grammar and vocabulary questions, which were fairly easy to answer, and showed that she was really putting forth good effort and interested in learning what she was reading. She made avid use of her little English notebook. We took a break halfway through when I could tell things were becoming a little jumbled for her, and before we started reading again I reviewed what we had already read with her, making sure she had retained some of it. At the end of the session we had only gone through about five pages, but Jia appeared to look relieved and excited that she had read and comprehended so much. We talked briefly afterwards and it seemed as though she was enjoying herself a little bit now that she had someone to help her with the more difficult parts. I did attempt to explain things to her through the context of the story, but after writing this blog recognize that I may have been a little too helpful in my excitement to help her understand everything, though some of it was just vocabulary that you could only tell by looking up. I’ll try more next time to really get her to look for those context clues.

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