Friday, July 22, 2011


On Wednesday, I forced myself out of bed early in the morning to make it to Ah Young Kim's lower level grammar class. When I met her, I was happy to see she wasn't as tired as I was and was quite enthusiastic to have me shadowing her. Her energy was contagious as the class began and it was clear her energy in her style of teaching rubbed off on to the students despite how early it was. Ah Young style is very much the style I would like to emulate in my teaching. She was very laid back, but at the same time, was diligent and organized. This was the lowest level class I have had the opportunity to shadow, so I was eager to see how a teacher would handle beginner English speakers. She did a lot of review and addressed certain issues and mistakes that students were continually having. Without singling out anyone in particular, she went over mistakes on the board. What I particularly liked about her class was the way she set up her assignments. Both her in-class assignments and homework were set up to involve themselves in writing short sentences or stories about themselves and their classmates. She ended a class with an activity in which she split the class in half and told them to write a dialogue involving all members of the group. The dialogue would involve some sort of argument between the group members. I found that the students had a lot of fun acting the dialogue out, and the fact that they could make the stories as outlandish and funny as possible kept them entertained. I will remember this as I start writing lesson plans wherever I end up teaching.

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