Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jung- CO 3

My last class to observe...

I went to Mrs. Maria's listening class on Tuesday. There weren't that many people in the classroom, only seven students, just waiting for the instructor to come. When Mrs. Maria came in, I introduced myself then she nicely introduced me to the class and had all the students introduce themselves to me. They each said their name, where they are from, and what they are studying. Most students who were in that class came to America, planning on getting their master's degree. Last time in class, they had watched a movie called 'Forrest Gump' and Mrs. Maria had each student to observe on a character. So today, she asked the students about their opinions on their characters. While they were commenting on the characters they observed, she complemented them by saying 'you're doing well' or 'good point'. She also added more information of their characters if they had missed any. This activity helped them with their listening skills and speaking skills as well. After discussing the characters from the movie, she wrapped her class by reminding the students how they will practice TOEFL exam tomorrow so be prepared. When the class was over, I went up to her and thanked her for letting me observe her class. I found out that this Friday was going to be her last day teaching here at CIES to go teach at USF. I’m glad that I got to observe Mrs. Maria's class and I feel like I learned one more thing that will help me teach in the future.

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