Saturday, July 16, 2011


On thursday, I met up with Mohammed at 3 before our TEFL class. This was my second real meeting with Mohammed because he was unable to meet with me last week. I had him write a paragraph about his favorite travel destination the last time i met with him so I could look over it and focus on certain things during this meeting. I noticed he had trouble breaking up sentences and using the word "and", so I addressed this in the very beginning of our meeting. Afterwards, he had mentioned that he had a grammar quiz on Friday. We began to look through his textbook and covering the material that he needed to learn. I had some troubles at first explaining some of these concepts, but through the use of examples, I finally started helping these things make sense. In particular, I noticed that drawing up charts really made a lot more sense to Mohammed than the way his teacher was teaching things. I remember my own experience learning second languages and how much charts worked for me, so I will continue to look back on my own experience of learning languages to help my CIES friends.

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