Friday, July 15, 2011

Larry TP - 8

I met with Rosa and Miyra today (Friday) from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. They were at home and ready to go! I again went on Google Translator and typed out my introductory instructions in Spanish. As my initial strategy was to incrementally give them simple building blocks for creating basic ideas and then more and more refined sentences, I included possessive adjectives in this lesson. We reviewed many of the vocabulary words I had previously given them. I drew four or five lines across the board then filled them in by writing either a personal pronoun, a tensed "to-be"verb, an article, or even one of the vocabulary words. I then asked them to fill in the blank. At first, I helped them and demonstrated what I wanted. Mercifully, they crept towards comprehension and began responding with correct words. Elated, I even dared leave two blanks in two or three later sentences, and they correctly completed the sentences! I rained praise upon them and pleaded for them to practice with one another "muy pequeno" each day. They responded with facial expressions I read to mean "yes....most definitely we might possibly do that." Hope! Lastly, I went over the possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) using examples and soliciting responses. I told them the next lesson would involve a review of all five "building blocks" I had tried to teach them. They seemed very happy and content with their slow but encouraging progress. Little Tony, Rosa's energetic four-year-old, helped me with my erasure board carrying it out to the car and said, "See ya later" as I got into my car. What a great way to end the week!

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