Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Katie- CP 9

On Monday Yasuko didn't have anywhere in particular that she wanted to go, so we decided to stay in the lounge and play Scrabble. She invited Kukit, whose name I have no idea how to spell, to play with us. Habib also eventually wandered over and looked over Kukit's shoulder, lightly teasing him and occasionally trying to help. The hardest thing was of course the multitude of 3 and 4 letter words. By the end of the game none of the top left corner of the board had been filled. I tried to use some longer words, and also at some points ended up teaching them a few new, easy vocabulary words. Kukit got stuck a few times so I tried to help him out a little by placing a tile on the board and asking him to finish the word with one of the tiles he had left. There were a number of times that words were misspelled or I had to look them to see if they were actually words, and at one point Habib made a bad word when Kukit got stuck, which I told Kukit not to remember and assured him that he would never need to know. I think it was a very challenging game for them, but they appeared to have a lot of fun. Yasuko and Habib seem eager to play again next Monday. I think next time I might try to take score, which I refrained from last time so as not to discourage anyone or lose focus on the game itself of creating words. I think it is a fun game for practicing English, and it seems to be an okay game for students of mixed levels of English to a certain extent. Unfortunately we started cleaning up at the end before I remembered to take a picture, but I'll try to remember to next time!

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