Saturday, July 30, 2011


On Thursday morning, I had a tutoring session with Mohammed. He had stressed his love for Mexican food over the last couple of weeks and I had recently opened his world to Chipotle. Today, i decided to pick him up and take him to Tijuana Flats. As we looked over the menu, I helped explain to him the different ingredients that he didn't recognize, and we proceeded to orded. He didn't seem to need any help ordering his meal. When we sat down, we began discussing his presentation for next week. We briefly went over what his presentation was about and we focused on certain key points that he would need to explain more than others. I asked him to share some of the fact from his presentation off the top of his heads as if he were presenting it to me. I wanted him to do this without his powerpoint so he wouldn't have to rely on it to present his facts in English properly. This was more of an informal tutoring session in comparison to Mohammed and I's usual meet up, but next time we plan on really focusing on the presentation aspect of his powerpoint. I will focus on his speech and timing of his presentation next time we see each other.

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