Monday, July 18, 2011


On Wednesday, I met with my tutoring partner Sunghee at the Strozier library. I took her to a computer and together we went on the FreeRice website (useful tool found on our Blackboard site and I fully recommend anyone using it to practice basic vocabulary with your tutees). We practiced vocabulary for a while but whenever we faced a word she didn't know I would have to explain it.. sometimes the words were a bit more difficult than I would have ever expected. Words like "slaughter," "bias," "gash" were some of the difficult ones.. without her thinking I was morbid. She would then write the unknown words down into her own notebook and then write the explanation in Korean. After the vocabulary exercise, she asked me what the entire Casey Anthony case was about and I explained to her the entire thing, which was extremely long-winded. She claimed that everyone was talking about it but she didn't know anything and was curious about it. After that, I handed her a reading comprehension worksheet I had previously printed out before our meeting. The subject matter was elementary, but she was able to comprehend the reading passage and answer the follow-up questions after she read. After that, she pulled out her TOEFL practice book and shared with me that she wants me to help her with some of the exercises in the book for our next tutoring session. I did not assign any homework because I want her to think of our time together as a relaxed and leisurely environment.

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