Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today, I was able to meet up with Mohammed to help him with his powerpoint presentation on American Fortune Telling. We had started working on this project the last time we met, and he had decided to do a general overview of fortune telling due to the lack of a distinctively American version of fortune telling. It seems that he was able to use many of the resources I helped him find during our last session. He had emailed me his powerpoint the night before so that we could look over it together today. Overall, the powerpoint setup was fine, although there were a number of grammatical errors. Anytime I saw something, I would highlight the sentence with the error and ask him what he thought was wrong with the sentence. I didn't want to just correct his work for him, and wanted him to learn from mistakes. We concluded by looking everything over again, and refining certain aesthetic features of the powerpoint. We will meet again within the next couple of days so he can practice presenting in front of me.

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