Monday, July 18, 2011


On Friday, I met with Hassan at Starbucks for our tutoring session. I requested that he bring his laptop this time while I brought my appropriate materials. Hassan informed me he would like to produce a Statement of Purpose for when he applies to grad schools in the US. Thanks to Jeff who sent me his handy dandy lesson plan, I was able to really work with Hassan and discover his interests and aspirations. I gave him a list of questions in which he had to write out the answers. After reading his responses I could not find ONE SINGLE MISTAKE!! It was insane. So after we did some brainstorming and organization of his ideas, I told him to go home and just try to produce something, anything and then we can move on from there. I also gave him some resources to look up in order to further his Statement. After that, he informed me how he must get his Florida Drivers License soon but is nervous because he heard the test was very difficult. We then took a Florida Drivers License practice test online and with every question I had to inform him of policies and laws that are implemented onto the Florida driver. He was very unaware of alot of the road rules which kind of scared me since he had been driving in Florida for a few months now...

1 comment:

  1. Good idea on taking the practice test online! Was it helpful?
