Thursday, July 14, 2011


Tuesday after class, I met up with Abdel for dinner. He had just moved in to his new apartment close to campus so I went inside to see how everything was. We tried to figure out what we wanted to eat. Abdel does not eat pork but he said he loves chicken and anything with rice. I decided to take him to chipotle. Abdel has never had any kind of Mexican food before so I was excited to show him one of my favorite places to eat which was conveniently close to his new apartment. I guided Abdel through his order, giving him his options and explaining what the different sauces were. Abdel was very gracious and jumped in front me in line to pay for my meal. I'll make sure to return the favor next time we go out for food. He really enjoyed the meal, although he avoided the onions that came with the peppers in his bowl. We spoke about Ivory Coast and what he was used to eating over there. Our conversation was extremely casual and we didn't really focus on one thing. Abdel has trouble with his listening skills so I plan to take him to a movie soon. I've been encouraging him to watch more and more television when he has free time solely to improve his listening.

1 comment:

  1. I've found that a lot of the CIES students love Chipotle! It's also a good place to go because they have to figure out and say exactly what they want--new food vocab and a delicious meal!
