Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Katie- TP 7

On Saturday morning I went to see the new Harry Potter movie with JongOuk and his friend SungJin. It wasn't the listening practice I had in mind, as I had wanted to watch a movie with him at his or my place so we could pause it at intervals and cover any uncertain parts, but I couldn't resist finally getting to see the new Harry Potter movie, and in real life you can't always pause or ask people to repeat things for you! It was a very good movie, and we all enjoyed it, but afterwards when I asked JongOuk how much he understood, he said only about 10%. Afterwards to talked about parts that he didn't understand. They main thing that confused him was the horcruxes. He didn't understand why they had to destroy them, or why no one had tried to destroy them before. I explained these to him as best as I could. Luckily with a movie like Harry Potter, even if you're not sure of everything going on, the entertainment value is high, and since it's a movie you can pretty much tell what's going on through the movie itself. The biggest issue was possibly the English accents, which weren't always very clear to him, and the amount of "magic" vocabulary. I remembered how Francis mentioned the lack of word for wand in French and how they simply called it a stick, and how difficult these words must be for them. While this listening practice may not have been the best for learning, one cannot expect to improve without practice and any practice is better than none! Or so I'd like to think. ^^;;

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