Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brian TP4

Subway restaurants have defeated my tutee. Mr. J walks in salivating, ready to chow down on a five dollar foot long when lo and behold, he can't understand everything being said to him. If he goes to the same store I go to when I'm too impatient to stand in line at Publix, then he gets the same blonde with the raccoon eyes who seems to be there all day everyday against her will that pronounces “for” like “fer.” Snow calls it reduced pronunciation, but I wonder how or if this is different from accents? I created a dialogue between a Subway employee and a customer, and added “git” for “get,” “fer” for “for,” “ya” for “you” and so on. I'm unsure how useful Mr. J found my dialogue to be, but I printed out a picture menu from Subway's website, so that he may at least know what he wants to order before arriving there.

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