Monday, July 25, 2011


Saturday afternoon, I was able to meet up with Abdel to work on his listening skills. He is trying his best to avoid a second CIES session because of finances so we are really trying to focus on his weakness of listening. We decided to go watch a movie so he could improve his listening skills. At this point, Abdel has improved drastically from his first weeks in the States but he still needs as much American interaction as possible to improve his listening. He calls me every day to talk and practice but I feel like sometimes this is not enough. He just moved in to a new apartment but he keeps to himself around his roomates. I have encouraged him to open up to them and explain that he is an English student. Being able to talk to his roomates and watch tv with them is a great opportunity to easily practice English, and I'm sure he'll make some new friends out of it.
We decided to watch Horrible Bosses. Abdel had his translator on his phone open the entire movie but he only had to look up 3 or 4 words throughout the entire thing. Afterwards, I was glad to find out that Abdel understood most of the dialogue and found the movie very entertaining. I hope to continue to help Abdel with his improvement in English so that he can perform at this best come TOEFL time.

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